As such, Summer is my favorite time of year, even down here in the Deep South. "Deep fried" isn't only for the kitchen- it is YOU every time you step outside for any length of time. But I don't mind sweating (I've been in a marching band for nearly half my life). And what makes Summer so special is nature.
All sorts of fruit come to bear in Summer. I've covered blueberries in a previous post, but that is only one fruit in my backyard. Peaches, apples, figs, plums- all right outside my back door. And out in the field wild raspberries. I can assure you that none of this harvest goes to waste. My father has become quite handy with canning and persevering fruits and vegetables. He makes a mean blueberry jelly. And his plum jelly... well, its plum good.
But all this fruit would not grow without rain, and plenty of it. Summer showers bring just enough to help the plants grow- usually. This year has been short on rain in the past two months. Though today's Summer shower... As we say in the Deep South, it was a gully washer.
The sky grew darker in the afternoon and the air grew heavy. In the distance, thunder rumbled. Rain was on its way. It began with a few light drops, a misting. A tease really, of what was to come.
When the rain poured, it poured. The wind blew out of the south, sending waves rolling through the field. You could almost hear the fruit trees sighing, drinking up all that water.
It is one thing to water plants with tap water out of a water hose. But rain, falling from the heavens... You can't get that in a bottle.
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